Mozambique - Rock For Life Camp

The last two weeks spent in Mozambique doing Rock For Life Camp were some of the most tiring but amazing weeks of camp I have ever done. I came home having completely lost my voice and with a nasty cold, however, my theory is that it only goes to show how awesome camp really was.

During the first week, I got to counsel a group of five 9th graders. Though all of the kids at camp came from the same Christian school, many of them still had a lot of questions about about God and salvation. This opened the doors for so many great conversations both during devos and quiet time as a cabin as well as with individuals. For one girl in particular, Danai, was struggling with whether or not she was really saved and felt as though there was something missing in her life. As the week progressed and I had opportunities to spend time talking with her, she finally understood that her salvation wasn't dependent on herself but what Christ had done for her. She saw that her life felt empty because she was seeking to satisfy it with things other than her relationship with God. She walked away from that week with a totally new perspective and renewed desire to live her life for Christ. As was the theme of our camp, she truly saw that "to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Praise the Lord, many of the other girls also came to an assurance of their salvation that week and expressed that so many of their questions had been answered.

My week 1 campers

For the second week, I counseled four 11th grade girls. Two of them had only recently started attending the school and it was their first time at camp. Like the group before them, they also had a lot of questions. They were all struggling through questions about their salvation, the existence of God, and the truth of the Bible. Today's society is quick to shoot down Christianity with science and the existence of absolute truth often is questioned. This is the reality that those girls were facing and as a result, were struggling with the whole concept of Christianity though they all said that they believed in Jesus and what he had done for them. On one of the last nights, we watched the movie God's Not Dead. This was a huge turning point for all of them and all of the things that we had discussed finally come together in their hearts and minds and led them to the conclusion that God is who the Bible says He is. For one girl especially who had struggled to trust in God because of tragic situations in her past, her life was changed that night and she made the decision to trust Christ as her Savior for the first time. In addition, on the last night, she and another girl from my cabin, among others, chose to commit their lives to Christ. 
My week 2 campers

I am so thankful for the way the Lord allowed me to be a part of those girls’ lives during those two weeks of camp and for the privilege of leading them towards him. What an awesome opportunity it was to watch as the Lord worked in each of their lives. I'm also thankful for the way He worked in my own life as he constantly reminded me of my total dependence on him as I encountered a lot of difficult questions and challenged me to really know His Word. 
Camp week 1

Camp week 2

My prayer is that their pursuit of God doesn't end there but that they would continue to seek Him with all of their hearts. You can pray for the WOL team in Mozambique that has the opportunity to continue to minister to these students in their school every other week and continue the discipleship process.
Campers dedicating their lives to Christ.


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