There & Back Again

It's been a month now since we returned to South Africa and have been settling back into a normal rhythm. We are so thankful for the time we had on furlough to reconnect with friends, family and supporters. It really was such an encouraging time and though it was quite busy with lots of traveling, it was also refreshing.

We started out our time with some downtime with our family over the Christmas holidays. It was a wonderful and special time especially since it was the last time we were able to spend with Ashley's Pop Pop before he went home to be with the Lord in March. 

We officially began our furlough the first week of January as we caught up with friends and supporters and shared in churches in Abaco, Spanish Wells and Nassau (3 different islands). We were so overwhelmed by the love, generosity and care we felt as we visited with different people and churches. It was also encouraging to see God at work in each person's life and their own spheres.

Our time in the US was a bit of a whirlwind as we drove up the east coast stopping in 10 different states. Despite there being a lot of travel, we are thankful we are able to connect with so many people and also for the Lord's provision along the way from housing to extra funds for our travel expenses. It was also a blessing to see and spend time with some of Ashley's family in the States as well and enjoy some down time with them. 

Overall, this trip was a beautiful reminder of the family of other believers God has given us across the ocean who truly love and care for us and the fact that together we are working towards the same goal of knowing Jesus and making him known to others wherever we are. We are also grateful for how the Lord used the generosity and faithfulness of others to provide not only for our needs while we were there but also helped us get closer to being fully supported.

Since coming back, we have been jumping back into our various roles and responsibilities at WOL and church, getting to know our new students, and getting ready to welcome our third baby girl at the end of June. We look forward to seeing what God will do the rest of the year and will be sharing more soon about some of the other things we’ve been up to since being back.

Again, it was such a blessing to see so many of you over the course of our furlough and we feel so encouraged, loved, and cared for as we return to the ministry God has allowed up to be a part of. We continue to pray that the Lord would bless you and use you to build his kingdom wherever you.  We are so grateful that we get to partner with you in making Jesus known.

Please pray...

- For us to be intentional as we jump back into our various roles and responsibilities

- For our students as they are now in their second term that they would continue to learn and grow and that we would make an impact in their lives

-For a continued healthy pregnancy and safe delivery for our baby girl

- For wisdom in our ministry and family life moving forward


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