A New Year
Leader's Kickoff - Joburg | Etwatwa | Welkom We started out our year with our annual Leader’s Kickoff. Like always, it was a great time being able to connect with youth leaders & pastors from the different churches that we have the privilege of coming alongside in Joburg, Etwatwa & Welkom. Our theme this year revolved around living gospel-centered lives. We also did some training on how to ‘gospelize’ our ministries in order to create passionate disciple-making disciples who will take the gospel outside of the church’s four walls. In addition, we shared about ways to evangelize to different people groups with other religions within South Africa. Overall, the Leader’s Kickoffs were an awesome time of encouragement as we all start another year of ministry. Discipleship Training Center This year we welcomed 13 new students to the Discipleship Training Center (12 guys & 1 girl). They are just a few weeks away from completing their first term. It has been s...